Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tiny Pre Ttens Models When Did U Start Showing? Tiny Pre-preg, Now 4 Months Only Gained 3 Pds..?

When did u start showing? Tiny pre-preg, now 4 months only gained 3 pds..? - tiny pre ttens models

I am very small before pregnancy. I had lost 95 PDS, PDS 3 by morning sickness, pregnancy, PDS 2 won, so I went to 94 of the PDS, now I think I have another pd, so thats 3 PDS weight during pregnancy .... I am sooo tired and said little people: "You're not pregnant, no way ".... I just want my blessing in the world, not to say "are tro ... I will show for my u / s in 2 weeks, I know the difference, the fact my mother. This is my first baby. If you are in the world, and near the subway? 4-5 months will make a big difference?


Twist said...

Since this show to your first baby, and you are so small, would at first, more quickly than women who had multiple pregnancies, too. Expect a word of congratulations to the foreign half of its second quarter.

simone said...

Won for me, I suddenly "snap one weeks increased from normal to whoa. As the weight I lost 20 pounds in the first quarter and four months had only 4 pounds again ... Now I gain weight like crazy!

# 2 due nov. 18th!! said...

I was 100 pounds when I was pregnant with my first. I remember an ultrasound at 20 weeks, which I think it was and I think you can see a baby, but just tell the sex, hardly stomach it. Then after 6 months appear only once. So do not worry, you will reach very soon. Now I am with my second pregnancy and am only about 1.5 months. And I see the difference. It is obvious to others, but me and my husband. And IM is not much more to him. I weighed 107 before pregnancy. I do not know if I increased again (Weighted am I), but I'm sure I have a little bit.

Christina W said...

They have more than me after 4 months, deserves, if any of my babies. I have only gained 10-15 pounds for the entire period and all my children are healthy with normal weight.

afton[mommy 2 be of a GIRL] said...

Well, I guess its different for everyone,
I am 7 weeks 3 days and you can see my bag.

yummycoo... said...

I have my weight in the first 3 months because of nausea. So, I won again. I did not begin until I saw was 30 weeks.

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